
Critical illness cover

Critical illness cover is an insurance product which provides you and your family a tax-free lump sum of money upon diagnosis of a stated illness covered by your policy.

How does critical illness cover work?

Following a review of your finances and needs we will set up a policy for a specified lump sum. If in the event that you are diagnosed with a critical illness in your policy our advisors will help you process a claim with your insurer. Upon a successful claim you will receive a tax-free lump sum to give you financial security whilst going through such a difficult time.

Who would need critical illness cover?

Do you have debt? Do you have family? Are you worried about how you could pay your bills if you were to be off work sick?

Any of these concerns would give you grounds to look into a protection policy. They are designed to help you out at your worst times. If you have any concerns over paying your.bills or debts should you ever be financially affected through accident or sickness – you should speak to our experts to review and provide advice.

Whatever you require, we're here to help create your legacy.

Contact us today

We don’t really want to think about the worst-case scenario. However, In the UK, someone gets diagnosed with cancer every two minutes and someone is admitted to hospital with a heart attack every five minutes.

We all want to protect our family and our future.  

Get in touch with our team today on 01226 643271 to see what we can do to help you protect you, and your family.